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cowkit => cowpaw

he | him

medicine cat. trans man. nineteen moons.  cancer. lawful good. enfp,


➼ extremely stressed & frightful but psychically alright!


❝aah... i am just a simple lad... nothing more... nothing less..❞

== > a huge giant, both in mass and height - though, more so in general mass. he tends to come off as soft and feminine from afar but defers when closer. he has a long, fluffy white pelt that is dappled with black splotches along with a large black and white tail. his fur is often messy due to his own clumsiness but cowtuft does his best to tame it. he often carries a soft smile on his face with round, droopy eyes. his left one is a pale green, and his right is a pale blue. he most noticeably as oversized paws, floppy ears, and a long, jagged scar that goes across his neck. cowtuft smells similar to mint, flowers, and a general mixture of herbs. his voice is rather high-pitched and he speaks quiet + slowly, often stuttering. 

breed : maine coon + norwegian forest cat x scottish fold mix
scars : neck
physical conditions : facial blindness + sleepwalking
mental conditions : gender dysphoria 


❝my apologizes little one.. did i.. scare you..?❞

 kind | trustworthy | emotional | naive | indecisive | lawful | daydreamer | diligent | peaceful | curious | outgoing | too forgiving | empathetic | insecure 

cowtuft is very empathetic, sometimes too much so that it become overwhelming for him as a professional and as a friend. his high empathy combined with his naive outlook leads to him trusting others too easy. at times this can cloud his judgement when cowtuft tries to help those who can be dangerous. however, he is very lawful and would never stray from his own morals. cowtuft is very strong-willed and peaceful. he is rather diligent to his work and kind to everyone he meets. he can be insecure about himself, doubting his capabilities, but he is doing his best to grow! there are times he can become lost in his own daydreams or curiosity but otherwise, he's a trustworthy and outgoing little (big) guy.

likes: pretty things, bugs, friends!!
dislikes:  c
ats worrying over him, violence, meanies 
fears: water, shadowclan, failure

inspo : lumina !!

➼  trivia !!

┉ enjoys making up his own words - he likes to smell smart - along with giving everyone nicknames!
┉ communicates almost always non-verbal with gestures or his own morse code. 
┉ worships starclan highly!! can be a bit of a fanboy :>
┉ he cleans when he's stressed and loves decorating. 


hey you. yeah!! YOU!! remember, if you want to find where art or such is sourced from, click on it!! i'll lead you right to the creator!! 

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