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♥ important information ♥

 hello! welcome to the page with all the knowledge one may require relating to windclan and their local medicine cat. this will be updated with more information as needed! if you think i should add anything else, let me know! :D

cowtuft has a open den policy. this means you character can enter freely into his den at anytime! the only thing i require is if your character requires healing to submit a healing form then have them enter. i will not accept the form, you can just go right ahead.

 he speaks almost completely non-verbally. he communicates through paw gestures, expressions, and body language. it is up to you whether or not your character understands him fully, partially, or not at all. cowpaw communicates with his own version of morse code with those who he is close with. he may speak verbally with kits or in small snippets if he feels comfortable enough to do so. non-verbal communication is in italic and verbal communication is in bold.

  • cowpaw is not a representation of selective mutism and should not be treated as such as it would be inaccurate. 

 cowtuft also has developmental prosopagnosia - otherwise known as facial blindness. this means he does not retain the memory of a person's full face. this causes him difficulty in recognizing people, even his own clanmates. he struggles more in crowds and with those he is less familiar with. cowtuft can use scent, voice, and defining features to help him differentiate. 

❝can i be cowtuft's apprentice?❞ 
currently he is not looking for an apprentice!  he is a bit too inexperienced and young for one - at the very least, i'm waiting for him to get his full name. when i decide he is ready for an apprentice, i will either create applications or start paying to potential candidates in character. do not ask me to be his apprentice, please. 

❝i'm worried my character's injuries will lead to death, what can i do?❞ 
i suggest looking at cowtuft's herb knowledge and seeing if any of those herbs would prevent death! along with that, you can always just ask me. please keep in mind of the current herbs he has in stock also. 

❝can cowtuft's help my character with their labor?❞ 
unless there is going to be complications, i will opt out because of my own comfort but if his (future) apprentice ever wants to, they can help. i am comfortable with cowtuft offering help prior and after the labor. 

❝i want to cowtuft to have a prophecy for my plot!/i want to have a general plot with cowtuft! how do i go about that?❞  
in terms of general plots, as long as i am made aware, i am perfectly fine with him being involved. just keep in mind if it is not in character for him, i will opt out. in terms of prophecy, as long as you get staff approval then you have mine. just keep in mind if it is clan-wide/site-wide, you will have to seek out approvals from other hrs. 

 cowtuft follows a strict moral code and beliefs. he is devoted to starclan and believes they cannot do anything wrong and are all powerful. he will not push this belief onto others. cowtuft believes all life is sacred. this means he looks down upon destruction of prey; one should give thanks for the life and use its whole body, respectfully, to benefit their clan. cowtuft does not condone killing in any shape or form but does understand that battles/wars will happen and are at times the only option. he believes that everyone deserves a second chance - and will try to help everyone, no matter their allegiance. these beliefs may shift as he grows older and grows through events. 


hey you. yeah!! YOU!! remember, if you want to find where art or such is sourced from, click on it!! i'll lead you right to the creator!! 

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